Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free Gifts with any insurance quotes

Check out the second video I did for our new youtube channel. Any prospective client that gives me a copy of their policies will get a free gift from me. Just give me a call or shoot me an email to get the process going!

Introducing G2 Insurance Services, Inc.

Ever wondered who you were talking to when you call G2 Insurance? Wonder no more, check out the video from our new youtube channel

Monday, April 19, 2010

Do you have basic Insurance knowledge?

Only 45% of Americans feel confident in making insurance decisions according to a new survey done National Association of Insurance Commissioners. 60% of people did not know if their auto policy covered the personal property when stolen from their car or whether or not credit affects your auto insurance premiums. 86% of Americans do not understand the terms used to describe their auto liability limits such as 100/300/100, where the last figure represents the amount your insurance company will pay for the property you have damaged in an accident.

If you are like the majority of Americans and want to better understand your insurance policy give us a call!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do I need an inventory of my stuff?

I get asked this question all the time. What happens if there is a fire and all my stuff is destroyed? Do I need an inventory to prove what I owned to the insurance company? The quick answer is no, it is not a requirement, however you are going to need to come up with the list of everything you lost in order to replace it. So while surfing one of my favorite sites I found a nice resource you can take a look at, has put together a list of the most popular ways people inventory their stuff. i personally like the idea of a video because you can just redo it whenever you need to and there is no cost but the time it takes to walk around your house, apartment or condo.

Another thing I would like to mention is that this is not only a good idea for you personally but it may also be a good idea for your business. Take the time to make some sort of inventory and then make sure you keep it off premises, it is just like making a backup of your hard drive.

Hope this helps!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Instant Messaging with G2 Insurance is now available

I just wanted to let everyone know that if you prefer to instant message me I now have a Google Talk account. From my understanding you will need to also have a Google Talk account in order to chat or voice chat with me but it is free. I figured I would add just in case anyone out there feels like they can't get ahold of me easliy enough with our office phones, cel phone, texting, and emails!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We just gave away $750 in cash!

Every year for the last few years we have run our referral program and handed out a major award at the end of the year. This year's winner is Sue B. Sue won $750 is cash and was very happy to stop in our office to have her picture taken with Tom & Sally.
We are still running the referral program for 2010 and we are now including Health Insurance referrals too! Send in your referrals and maybe I will be giving you a check next year!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Restaurant Insurance

We write mamy different types of businesses but the one type of business I seem to run into more often are restaurants. We happen to have many of the best companies in Wisconsin to write coverage for restaurants so we tend to write alot of them. In fact we are members of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association and attend the WRA Expo each year. This year we have decided to expand our marketing efforts and have even launched a new website The whole idea behind the website is to give restaurant owners answers to commonly asked questions. Questions that could mean the difference between a restaurant reopening after a major loss or closing for good. Check out the website and if you plan on attending the WRA Expo stop by our booth!